2020 AAAA Board of Directors Call for Nominations
In accordance with the Constitution of the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association Ltd (AAAA), the nomination form provides all voting members with the opportunity to nominate candidates for election to the AAAA Board of Directors (Board).
The Association is made up of members that are individuals, companies or other entities involved in the manufacturing, re-manufacturing, importing, wholesaling, distribution, retailing, mechanical workshops and other sectors of the automotive aftermarket industry and is served by the Directors who form the Board.
The Association’s Constitution specifies at least six (6) and no more than (12) elected positions on the Board. The Board has determined that the optimal size of the board is 11 elected positions. This will provide flexibility to co-opt an Independent Director in the future to bring specific skills or representation to the Board if the need arises.
Under the constitution elected members terms of office are for a three-year period, however as Board terms were increased from 2 years under the previous constitution there is a need for transitional arrangements to enable an even spread of board positions to become available each year.
As a result of these transitional arrangements, three (3) nominations for a position on the Board of Directors are now being called for.
The following Board members are due to retire at the 2020 AGM:
• Janelle Gonzalez
• Wayne Bryant
• Adam Pay (Co-Opted)
All retiring Board members are eligible to stand for re-election.
Members that are individuals may be nominated as candidates for election to the Board. Where the member is a company, or other entity, then the member can nominate an employee as a candidate for election to the Board. A nominee must be nominated by two members.
The Board of Directors meets every 2 months rotating around the capital cities of each state. A position on the Board provides the opportunity for individuals in the industry to contribute to the overall welfare and direction of the Australian automotive aftermarket industry as well as developing new contacts and a broad insight into the industry.
Any person requiring more information on the role, duties and expectations for service on the Board of Directors should contact michelle@aaaa.com.au. Please ensure your NOMINATION FORM is returned no later than 4.00 pm Friday 18th September 2020.
Due to COVID-19, the decision has been made to hold this years Annual General Meeting via a Zoom meeting on Monday 19th October from 4.00 pm – 4.30 pm. Please CLICK HERE to register your attendance.