Health & Wellbeing Update for Members
3Rs for Easter
AAAA have been supporting members over recent weeks with critical information and guidance about Coronavirus and what it means for your business. In amongst the many, varied and very difficult decisions you have been making, we are also here to support YOU.
With the Easter long weekend upon us, take the time to do the 3Rs:
- Reflect on all you have achieved, have done well and have to be grateful for
- Regroup on your goals and aspirations, knowing what you can control and what you can’t
- Recharge with rest, relaxation and reconnection with the people and activities you love.
You’re not just auto aftermarket business owners and leaders, you are also dads and mums, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives, friends and neighbours. COVID-19 has impacted everyone differently. You might be in a difficult situation yourself and trying to help others at the same time. This is big ask for anyone which is why it is so important to look after yourself.
We also know that our members tackle their challenges with high levels of integrity, grit and ingenuity to find and implement good solutions. That takes strength and clarity of mind, while stress and concerns for others might be increasing.
Staying strong and mentally fresh doesn’t just happen, like many things, you need to work at it. You need to take steps to stay strong and nimble, mentally and physically. Some days will be good and others will be draining. That is normal and its OK.
After several weeks of sprinting to adapt and cope to rapid changes in our work and life, it may be time to adjust the pace and your personal self-management strategies, for what is sure to be a marathon.
It is also time to ensure, for your own health and those around you, that you take action to support your ongoing health and wellbeing. Along with the guide to nationally available mental health services AAAA shared on 23 March, you can use some of the following outstanding, publicly available resources for help:
Beyond Blue has set up dedicated COVID-19 resources – see link for details – https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/ They offer phone support, online community forums, advice and strategies for coping, and crisis support.
Asking RUOK? to yourself, loved ones, staff and colleagues, allows you to have potentially life-saving conversations at the right time and in the right way. And, no-one needs to be an expert in this. You can use the resources that are easily and freely available to you. Click through this link for RUOK website and resources: https://www.ruok.org.au/staying-connected-is-more-important-than-ever
Sane Australia have a specialist help centre set up for contact by phone, webchat or email. They are ready to assist those with complex mental health issues through COVID-19. Visit https://www.sane.org/ for all information and resources, including fact sheets and contact phone numbers.
Remember, we are all in this together. Take small steps each day to set yourself up for success in the weeks and months ahead. AAAA is here to help you.