Playing our part in keeping Australia moving
- Our industry is playing a key role in keeping Australians on the road during the COVID-19 crisis
- The AAAA congratulates members for their efforts under exceptionally trying circumstances
- Industry members are successfully adapting and innovating to continue operating in a new reality
- The AAAA is supporting these efforts with tailored resources and expert Legal, HR and Government Relations advice for members
The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) would like to congratulate its members on their efforts in keeping Australia’s essential workers and services on the road, during the unprecedented health and economic crises presented by COVID-19.
While working around the clock to advocate for the industry and provide members with critical and practical support and advice, the AAAA has been encouraged to see how the industry has quickly adapted to the changes thrust upon it.
“I want to congratulate all of our members on how they have responded to the COVID-19 crisis,” AAAA Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Charity, said.
“Faced with a once in a century global pandemic, we have seen many of you quickly innovate and adapt; courageously and empathetically leading your staff, serving your customers, protecting your business, and upholding best practice health and safety standards. Because of these efforts our industry remains open for business and you should all be proud of the role you are playing in keeping other industries and people moving”.
Now more than ever, Australia needs reliable transportation to support our frontline healthcare and emergency workers, essential workers and the delivery of goods and services. This simply wouldn’t be possible without the skills, services and quality parts that the automotive aftermarket industry provides. As the Covid-19 situation develops, new and unexpected challenges are presenting themselves to the Australian public.
“We would like to encourage all members to not only continue to expand your great efforts to adapt and innovate while supporting your employees, but to also support your customers by actively educating them on the need to keep up with their servicing and repairs during this period,” said Mr Charity.
“For many of our industry’s customers it may seem counter intuitive to be thinking about these matters when their cars are not being used as much as usual. However, vehicles sitting idle for long periods can produce their own set of risks.
“In collaboration with members, we will do our bit to educate customers about the benefits of proactively looking after their cars now, so when it comes time to put that key in the ignition, they are ready to go. As such we ask you to reach out to your customers and kindly and empathetically inform them of the various steps they can take to protect their safety and investment in their car (frequently one of the largest investments in many households).”
While many AAAA members are making successful strides forward in surviving this crisis, there is of course no escaping the fact that many businesses in the Australian aftermarket are hurting right now.
“A real problem is that we are all being bombarded with information at a time when we are facing significant challenges in our professional and personal lives, so it is sometimes difficult to sort through all the noise,” Stuart said.
“It is our role to support our members and work with them side by side as we navigate through these challenges together. As such, we have been working extremely hard to provide our members with services, tailored information and free expert Legal, HR and Government program advice so they can make informed and considered decisions.”
Just some of the resources created for members over the past month include: industry specific webinars, fact sheets and information on government assistance programs, information about Fair Work Act obligations and mental health advice for employers and employees.
Members can also access free expert assistance when it comes to Legal and HR matters thanks to the AAAA’s partnership with Industry Legal Group and Employer Assist. For more information on these services, please visit www.aaaa.com.au.
“We know it is tough out there but we are starting to see some positive numbers when it comes to infection rates and we are also beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel in the messaging from Governments,” Stuart said.
“As every day passes, we get closer to the end of this crisis. In the meantime the AAAA is here to support you and help you survive and thrive. We are all in this together and we must help and support each other – both in business and personally – while focusing on the things we can control and looking ahead to the future.
“While it may seem a long way away now, I am optimistic our industry will bounce back strongly and quickly from this and the decisions you make now will make all the difference on the other side of this. Now is the time to stay strong, stay informed and access support while making considered and value-driven decisions for your business, as these will hold you in good stead for the long game.”
To access all of the resources and information produced by the AAAA around COVID-19 and associated support packages, please CLICK HERE to login to the AAAA Members Area. Enter your login details. If you are not sure what these are please email freya@aaaa.com.au and we will provide them to you. Once logged in click on ‘Resources’ and the ‘COVID-19 Business Resources’.
To request further information or situation-specific advice, email info@aaaa.com.au.